The mission of Butte College Business Education Department is to prepare students to be successful when entering the world of business and to continue in lifelong education. We value our students� success and place respect, accountability, and excellence as our core values. Vision statements specific to each of the Department of Business Education Programs are as follows: � The Accounting Program trains students to effectively record, analyze and utilize financial data. We teach them marketable accounting skills, enhance their probability of success in any business profession, and prepare them to move forward towards completing their business education goals. � The General Business Program prepares students to be successful as they enter and pursue careers in business fields such as small business management, marketing, and human resources, in both profit and non-profit organizations, operating in today�s global environment. � The Economics Program provides students with intellectual and analytic tools necessary to gain an understanding of economic theory and policy as a way to address issues facing our society. � The Real Estate Program prepares students to take the California Real Estate Sales and Brokers exams and successfully list, sell and invest in real property.
The Department of Business Education includes four programs/disciplines: Accounting, Economics, General Business(Marketing, Management and Small Business Management), and Real Estate. In addition, the department has two major focuses, both of them central to the College�s mission: The Business Administration Transfer Program and The Department of Business Education Career Programs. � The Transfer Program offers an A.S. Degree and facilitates transfer to Bachelor of Science programs, such as the two degree programs offered by Chico State�s College of Business: Business Administration (BADM) and Business Information Systems (BIS). � The Transfer Program also offers and A.S.-T degree in Economics. � The Department of Business Education Career Programs (with certificates, Certificates of Achievement and A.S. degrees) develop and enhance students� work-related competencies. These programs facilitate local economic development and workforce training as they help to create a skilled, professional, entry-level workforce in Butte and Glenn Counties, and offers opportunities for skills enhancement of existing personnel. The following certificates are currently available: � Accounting Program Certificates: Accounting Certificate of Achievement; Account Clerk Certificate; Tax Preparer Certificate � General Business Program Certificates: Business Management Certificate of Achievement; Retail Management Certificate of Achievement; Marketing Certificate of Achievement; Small Business Institute Certificate; Business on the Web Certificate; Human Resources Certificate � Real Estate Program Certificates: Real Estate Certificate of Achievement; Real Estate Sales Person Certificate; Appraiser Certificate. The following Associate of Science (A.S.) degrees are currently available: � Business Administration AS (transfer degree to Chico State) � Business Administration AS-T (transfer degree to CSU schools) � Accounting � Business Management (including 2 options: Business Management and Small Business/Entrepreneurship) � Marketing � Real Estate.
In reviewing the SLO discussions and actions taken to improve student learning, several specific strategies emerge:
1) Terminology and helping students learn the language of Business, Real Estate and Economics. All of the areas of business introduce students to new terms and we help the students embrace this new language using a variety of techniques including reading, repetition, in class practice, drills, quizzes and homework. Real Estate - Students often have problems with the complexity of Real Estate and how detail oriented you must be when writing up a sales contract, helping your client work thorough the financing of a new home, the Escrow procedures, and more. One instructor works with the students to create detailed notes in the margin of their text books to help them with the mastery of these terms and concepts.
2) Case studies are included in almost every class to bring relevance and news related content to help students see how the business environment affects decision making. In Econ specifically we continue to bring in current events and “Presidential” tweets on these subjects to make them more relevant, timely, and something ridiculously funny to capture the students attention and help with their retention of the topic. One adjunct faculty member reports using many news articles and breaking students into mixed-ability groups to answer economic questions with respect to current events.
3) Area specific SLOs:
In Accounting 2 we tend to have really high drop and fail rates (50%) due to the rigor, pace and amount of material we must cover in a semester. If a student is struggling the first couple weeks of the semester in Acct 2, then we try move students into Accounting 20 - Intro to Accounting. Students who take Acct 20 before Acct 2 have success rates of 80% when taking Acct 2.
General Business - Instructors indicated that they bring in current events in the form of guest speakers, articles, and real world cases. This helps students to tie in what is happening in the world with business law in a very real and specific way. One instructor has students conduct a SWOT analysis as part of their culminating group project which allows for in-depth study and analysis of how business operate in an ever changing environment.
Economics 2 - Students with limited math skills often struggle. However, students in regular attendance do better than those that might skip some lectures. Additionally, in class practice sessions have been and will continue to be implemented in upcoming semesters.
A worry is that now that the previous prerequisite of College-level Algebra is not being enforced, we are seeing in the Fall 2019 semester many unprepared and emotionally distraught students not being able to keep up with student with the appropriate preparation in mathematics.
In looking at the Business Educations retention and success our numbers are as follows:
Real Estate
In looking at our numbers, Econ has the highest retention and success rates for our area. One thing to consider is that Econ offers GE Transfer courses and students must pass them before moving on in a transfer degree. Students often persist in transfer classes so they can limit the number of additional courses they have to take to transfer. This is also one of the reasons the college has such high retention and success numbers overall.
General business has very good retention rates and the success rates have an opportunity for growth. Several factors, including AB 705 (and the elimination of placement testing) as well as the level of rigor in articulation courses contribute to the success rate. Most of our students taking general business courses intend to transfer yet instructors teaching these courses are reporting decreasing writing skills from our students. Without these critical writing skills, students struggle. In pursuit of a solution, our department will be investigating the creation of a business writing skills unit in Canvas that could be assigned to students in all general business programs.
Real estate also has a good retention rate, and the success rate isn't bad at 71%. One thing to consider with our Real Estate classes is the extremely small size of this program and its classes. This size impacts the percent change when only one or two students do poorly or drop the class.
In Accounting, our lowest retention and success area, we have two things to consider:
1) Accounting is not a GE-transfer course and so students are not required to take these courses unless a business or accounting major. In this sense, students are more willing to "try" a class and see if they like it and then they may drop the class as "too hard," "too much homework," or just too many life events happening to them and they can't keep up with the work.
2) Accounting is a rigorous topic and we have a lower success rate due to students not staying current with their homework and thereby dropping over the course of the semester. These are also 4 unit classes that can create a scheduling problem for some students due to the 2 hour block for the class.In terms of degrees and certificates, econ, general business and real estate have seen a steady increase in awards confered.
With the addition of the new AST in General Business, awards conferred in Accounting have declined in the 2017 and 2018 academic years.
The Business Education department supports the college in meeting its strategic direction and priorities by:
Implementing Guided Pathways - The Business Education department originally had in our catalog a recommended sequence of study that was eliminated several years ago. As Guided Pathways has re-envisioned this same idea, we worked with Counseling office to outline our recommended sequence of study again. This has not been put onto the Butte College website as of today. We as a department are currently promoting the guided pathways decision tree and supporting degree and certificate information in several ways including billboards, banners and brochures in our building. This decision tree and recommended sequence of study has been available on the Business Education department web page for almost two years. We have also, recently, reviewed our strategic scheduling to ensure we are offering students a fair number of classes on MW and TTH, in mornings, afternoons and evenings. We have even conducted a recent student survey to ask our students for their feedback on our courses and the scheduling of our courses.
Meeting enrollment targets and student achievement goals: Business Education works with our advisory group and our accounting discussion group to discuss ways to increase our course offerings and increase enrollments. We are currently going through program review and we are looking at enrollment, retention and success rates and how we might impact these in a positive way. We are also looking at ways to market our programs to the students more effectively on our website and at the college.
Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness - In Business Education we work with our associate faculty to create consistency in our instruction and what the students experience in our courses. As an example of inclusiveness we are going through program review and recently surveyed our associate faculty who instruct our Business Law courses. We wanted their input on which course we should include in our program - Business Law, or the Legal Environment of Business. During the recent curriculum review, we held meetings and sent email communications to ask for their collaboration on changes to the textbooks and course outlines. We have also asked for student input into our program by creating a student survey to ask for their input.
Strengthening Professional Development - all Business Education faculty stay up-to-date on continuing education using both external courses, articles, etc., and internally using our professional development offerings at Butte and at our department meetings where we have discussions on podcasts and books that are helpful and relevant to our area.
To follow are the program review recommendations and a status update on each:
1) Hire a new full-time general business instructor and another economics instructor.
2) Investigate why catalog no longer shows recommended sequence of study for each business major.
3) The door on the men’s restroom opens into the hallway; this is unsafe. This safety issue needs to be fixed ASAP!
4)BE rooms 105 a, b, c are small, overcrowded & not well ventilated. Student seating is not conducive to efficient group work. It is recommended that seating be re-arranged and to not schedule classes that incorporate group work into BE 105 a, b or c.
6)Staff and associate faculty morale survey is recommended to fully incorporate their input into unit planning and program review processes.
7) Untapped potential exists for enrollment growth in the department. Modest growth in the number of Introduction to Business courses and in Economics is merited.
8) Currently there do not appear to be any courses within any of the business programs that articulate with the high schools in the surrounding areas. The expectation is not for the department to accept agreements that don’t benefit students, but rather look into why agreements have not been renewed and pursue those discussions with high schools in an effort to offer agreements that do benefit students.
Current goals -
1) Focus on teaching to improve retention and success for students.
2) Continue to support associate faculty and include them in department discussions, curriculum and textbook decisions as we are doing in program review. Discussion with Acctg faculty on QB, Acct 128, P/R; with Business faculty on text books, course name changes and curriculum (Bus 8), etc.
3) Support students learning environment with proper seating.
4) Support instructors by providing the current tools (computers, podiums, overhead projectors) to do their work.
5) Marketing to the working professionals (connect students to certificates to build students skills)
6) Support students in our Start Up Club and Accounting Club with speakers, company tours and conferences.
7) Continue to build external relationships and reputation with the business leaders of Butte and Glenn counties.
8) Continue to explore an online AS-T degree and increase online course offerings to create a fully online degree.
Strategy 1 - Focus on Teaching
Focus department and instructor resources on providing an outstanding education in the most convenient and efficient manner possible.
The college exists to educate and empower students. Accordingly, instructor time and energies should be focused on teaching. The department will support instructors as they work to improve lesson plans, stay current in their fields of expertise, find better examples to explain key concepts, and make class more fun and engaging. Strong teaching leads to student success and a strong reputation for the department which over the long-term leads to enrollment growth.
Strategy 2 - Explore Online AS-T Degree
Explore Online AS-T Degree
The Introduction to Business (Bus 20) was offered online for the first time in Spring 2016. There has been strong demand for this format ever since. We have been working with an associate faculty in law to develop the Legal Environments of Business (Bus 8) class in an online format. Once this is completed, we will be able to offer all business classes for the AS-T online. Our department's fundamental goal is to provide an outstanding education in the most convenient and efficient manner possible. We are continuing to increase our online course offering. Offering core classes in an online format improves both convenience and accessibility for some of our students who are unable to attend face to face classes when scheduled.
Strategy 3 - Replace Outdated Equipment
To keep chairs safe for students to sit in while learning. To add seating more conducive to team work learning.
It is important that the learning environment present a safe and welcoming place for students to succeed at their work. The current chairs are old, dirty, broken, and falling apart. It is important to refresh these chairs on a regular basis to enhance the learning environment. As noted above, BE 105 A, B, and C are smaller rooms and less conducive to team work. We have found some new chair/desk combinations that are used at CSU Chico and work effectively for student collaboration. We are hoping that Facilities will consider our need for this type of new seating. Active learning furniture to facilitate increased millennial student engagement. Active learning furniture can easily flex to accommodate small group, large group, or traditional seating.
Strategy 4 - Proper tools for instructing in the classroom
Update classroom computers and teaching stations.
It is important that instructors have the tools they need to teach. Keeping computers in the classroom up-to-date and functional is important for a smooth delivery of classroom instruction. The teaching stations are old, outdated, and breaking. We would like a refresh of the computers (now at 7 years old) and new podiums like those at the Chico Center installed for consistency of the teaching experience.
Please include the suggested sequence of study in the catalog or implement the educational planning module called Guided Pathways so students know which classes to take first to maximize success in other classes.
We have funding from the packets from accounting we use for accounting scholarships.
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | Business Education | Operating Expenses | $5,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
Online course alignment to meet CCC system standards | California Community college must have 20% of their online courses aligned to the @ONE Rubric in order to continue receive CVC-OEI Consortium benefits at reduced charge. Without this state-wide support, the cost to the district will be $125,000. The requested funding will provide training, travel, and stipends to align 2 of our current 6 online courses. |
2 | Business Education | Equipment | $25,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
Replace old and broken Chairs | The chairs are broken and students are falling when they sit down. Our chairs are past their life expectancy and need to be replaced in BE 105 A. Program review recommendations stated we need to increase our ability for students to work collaboratively. There are new chairs called Active Learning Furniture that provides flexibility to accommodate small groups, large groups or traditional seating. We are hoping to work with Facilities in obtaining this new seating. We are planning on replacing chairs and technology in one room at a time, starting with BE 105A until further funds become available for basic scheduled maintenance again. |
3 | Business Education | Equipment | $12,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
Updated classroom computers and podiums | The current computers are over 7 years old in the classrooms and are lagging in performance while instructing. We are asking to replace computers in BE 105 A at this time (part of life cycle replacement). We are requesting for the replacement of the current computer station for podiums similar to those at the Chico Center for consistency and reliability. |
4 | Business Education, Accounting, Quickbooks Certified User | Operating Expenses | $5,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
Certified Quickbooks User Exam Licensing Fees | Accounting students that are "Certified QuickBooks Users" are more capable of gainful employment. To take the exam privately, students would have to pay $300 which means many students are unable or unwilling to take the exam. Approximately 35 students will take the Certified QuickBooks User exam if we are granted funds. |