2016-17 Unit Plan
Library Services Department

Mission Statement

The Butte College Library is committed to providing quality information resources and services that meet the curriculum needs of our students. The Library also assists in fulfilling the diverse information needs of our entire college community and teaches information literacy skills used in lifelong learning.

Program Description

The Library serves as an Information Commons supporting and enhancing student learning and research by providing state of the art technology and information resources and services.
Information Resources

The library has developed an electronic collection of over 55,000 eBooks and 64 databases of full-text articles from over 27,000 journals, magazines and newspapers. Another 600,000 open access e-Books are available from our catalog, as are an additional 86,000 open-access journal titles and government publications. All electronic resources are available anytime on the Internet through the Library Web site. The library houses a print collection of 71,543 books and 133 periodicals.

Library Services

The library provides a full range of information-related services including Circulation and Course Reserves, Reference and Instruction, Interlibrary Loan, and Acquisitions and Cataloging. Many of our services are online, available anytime, including real-time reference assistance from professional librarians. Students, faculty, and staff can renew books, place a hold, make an Interlibrary Loan request, or access electronic resources online. Instructors can schedule a library instruction session for their class.   

• Main Campus library is open 46.5 hours a week and provides a circulating collection and course reserves, 40 hours of reference, library instruction, two 1-credit LIS courses, one-on-one research consultations, drop-in workshops, interlibrary loan, and acquisitions and cataloging.

• Chico Center library is open 60.5 hours a week and provides circulating books by request, course reserves, 24 hours a week of reference services, library instruction, test proctoring, drop-in workshops, and media services with a collection of 586 DVDs available for faculty use.

• Glenn Center has access to over 640,000 eBooks and millions of articles from subscribed and open-access resources searchable in the catalog; access to library instruction via scheduled appointment; and a display rack of tip sheets and handouts for library services and academic needs. The Library, working with Glenn Center and facilities, completed installation of a remote librarian station where Glenn patrons can ask questions by phone or online during all open hours at Main.

• A Power Hub area with seating and charging tables has been installed on the 1st floor of the library so students can charge their personal devices (laptops, tablets, etc.).

Information Literacy Program

The Library offers library instruction sessions for classes, drop-in and one-on-one workshops, orientations, and Flex workshops. The library has developed 26 short videos for student, Blackboard and classroom use along with an online research paper guide, all of which students have access to through the library’s website. Librarians teach two information literacy courses: LIS 11 (one unit, transferable to CSU-Chico) and LIS 126 (one unit).

Quick Facts from 2014-15

• Librarians taught research skills to 1,938 students in 72 scheduled bibliographic instruction classes.

• Students, staff, and faculty accessed our databases over 160,000 times, and performed over 800,000 searches.

• Chico Center proctored 1,855 tests.

• Librarians and reference staff answered 9,702 face-to-face questions and 332 questions via our live 24-hour reference chat service.

• 26 videos (2 to 9 minutes each) were produced to teach Library Information Science for use by face-to-face and distance instructors in Blackboard or in the classroom and are accessible to students online, anytime.

• 1,920 new books were added to the collection to ensure current and diverse information resources.

• Students borrowed textbooks and other materials from our reserve collection 27,132 times.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

Update Ebooks and Books

Amount: 35000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

To date in 2015-2016 the library has spent $27,576 and purchased a total of 772 new eBooks and Print Books which ensures we continually update our electronic and print collection for students’ research needs. Library will continue to add to the collection throughout the year.

Accountability Item 2

Power Hub for Students to Connect Devices

Amount: 31580.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

The library purchased four round tables, 16 chairs, six comfort seats, and two coffee tables, all with integrated power hubs for device charging for a toal of $31,978.43.  Students now have a designated area on the 1st Floor of the library to charge laptops and mobile devices as well as comfortable seating for studying. Installation was completed in January.

Accountability Item 3

Color Printer/Software/Hardware

Amount: 4400.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

The library ordered two color printers, one for Main Campus Library and one for Chico Center Library, for a total cost of $2,008.10.  Students will now have one of the only places on campus to print in color.  Installation should be completed in February.

Accountability Item 4

Phase II Ebooks adn Books Updating

Amount: 32000.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

Ensures the library will continually update our electronic and print collection for students’ research needs. Money will be spent in Spring 2016.

Accountability Item 5

Reference Librarian

Amount: 99187.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

With only one current permanent full-time librarian, the library is in the middle of the hiring process for an additional permanent full-time librarian to maintain past staffing levels. This second full-time librarian will enable us to maintain our reference and instruction services to students.


Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

Library faculty, administrative, and classified staff continue to meet on a monthly basis. Improvements, changes, and new service elements are discussed and strategies for needed changes developed. Full time Library faculty and the Dean for Library services meet periodically during the semester to evaluate library resources including electronic databases, print, and eBooks. Library faculty routinely discuss and instructional issues continue to provide Library Instruction on an ongoing basis throughout the semester.

Full-time librarians serve on the Curriculum Committee, Library Committee, Accreditation Steering Committee and various hiring committees and report any issues affecting Library services or collections. Staff use library usage statistics, including database usage and proficiency, survey results, reference and instruction services, and transactions services to analyze student patterns of library use. Statistical reports on reference, electronic information resources, and transaction services are compiled and evaluated each semester. 

Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

The library provides support to the college to help achieve the following initiatives: enhancing a culture of completion and academic achievement; supporting student, faculty and staff success; maximizing resources to support student learning; enhancing a culture of inclusiveness; and using data informed processes for continuous improvement.  

To support students' success with the needed technological and information resources the library will continue to develop electronic resources of databases and eBooks accessible 24/7 via the Internet to serve all students equally, whether they are on main campus, distance learners, or at the college’s extension sites.

To promote students’ information literacy skills and prepare them to transfer to 4 year institutions or enter the workforce the library will continue to build our Library Instruction program. We will work closely with faculty to integrate Library Instruction into curriculums, continue to provide in-person workshops, online tutorials, library credit courses, and reference help both face-to-face and online.  We will continue our onsite services to the faculty and students in the areas of circulation, collection development, and interlibrary loan. We completed our Power Hub Corner project on the 1st floor of the Library to support students’ technological needs.

Strategic Direction

The library supports the college in meeting its Strategic Directives in a number of ways.  Through our Library Instruction efforts, the library taught six separate Introduction to the Library workshops to nearly 150 College Connection students in the Fall 2015.  (SD 1.a.1)  The library continues to use data from surveys, evaluations, and student feedback to enhance our resources in all locations and modalities.  (SD 1.e.1) In addition to Main Campus resources and services, the library offers in-person workshops and library instruction at Chico Center and library instruction at Glenn Center upon request, 24/7 online reference help to any student with an Internet Connection, circulation services to Chico Center and Glenn Center upon request, and 24 hrs/wk in-person librarian reference help at Chico Center. (SD 1.e.4)  The library continues to enhance its website, offering 24/7 online reference help, catalog and database searching, and Facebook communication to the campus community. (SD 2.a.3 & SD 1.f.4) 

Program Review


Department Goals

The Library’s goals for the 2016-2017 school year will include continuing to develop our online and onsite information resources and services, building information literacy programs, implementing new technologies, and developing an outreach strategy to support faculty and student success.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Developing Online and Onsite Information Resources

We will continue to develop electronic resources of databases and eBooks accessible 24/7 via the Internet to serve all students equally, whether they are on main campus, distance learners, or at the college’s extension sites. We will try to add useful new electronic resources such as language learning programs and video streaming that will support teaching and learning. A grant proposal will be submitted to the Student Equity Committee for the “Laptop and Wi-Fi to Go” project where, if funded, the Library will loan laptop and Wi-Fi hotspots for check-out overnight.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

To support instructor and student success with needed technology and information resources.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Building Information Literacy Programs

We will continue to build our information fluency program and expand the modes of delivery of our information literacy instruction by strengthening our online tutorials, expanding library credit courses by making them available online. We will continue building external relationships with faculty and student support services to offer information literacy instruction to underrepresented student populations as defined in the Student Equity Plan.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

To promote student information literacy skills and prepare them to transfer to a four year institution or enter the workforce.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 3 - Developing Online and Onsite Services

We will continue to develop and offer library online and onsite services, particularly to extension sites, to faculty and students in the areas of reference services, instruction, circulation, collection development, and interlibrary loan.


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

To enhance library services efficiency and productivity, and to expand services to extension sites.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 4 - Fostering Collaboration among the Library, Instructors, and Other Departments for Student Success.

We will continue to work with CAS and ESL/Basic Skills instructors to expand the ESL collection. We will develop strategies and begin focusing outreach efforts to support instructors of both online and onsite courses by consulting on assignments to create course-related resources. We will also work directly with Technology Mediated Instruction to embed library resources into the new Learning Management System (Canvas) giving students easier access to library resources.


  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

To enhance collaboration between faculty and the Library to support student success.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 5 - Expand Chico and Glenn Center Library Services

We will continue to provide on-site librarian service to Chico Center but hope to expand service hours with the addition of a full-time Chico Center Librarian.  This will also provide us the opportunity to have a presence at Glenn Center. 

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

To enhance library services efficiency and productivity, and to expand services to extension sites.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

There is no dedicated computer lab for Library Instruction at the Chico Center. Library Instruction is conducted at the Language Lab which is often scheduled for regular classes with limited availability.  Leaving the following time slots open would allow us to better meet the requests of Library Instruction:

8-9:15 am (Mon or Wed; Tue or Thurs)

9:30-10:45 am (Mon or Wed; Tue or Thurs)

Current Financial Resources

The library will continue to seek Associated Students grants to celebrate the annual National Library Week and Banned Books Week.  National Library Week celebrates libraries and the role they play on campus and in the community. Banned Books Week is a national event bringing attention to issues of censorship and free speech.   Students and faculty could read informational displays featuring news on banned or challenged books and recent free speech cases on college campuses.  About 30 students wrote short pieces giving their thoughts on free speech.

The library will seek funding from Student Equity Funds for the “Laptop and Wi-Fi to Go” pilot project. The project will allow disadvantaged students to check out laptops and Wi-Fi hotspots to complete assignment at home. Should the project prove successful, we will apply outside funding sources, such as Knight Foundation, to expand the project.

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Library Personnel 11-000-320-1-612000 52368 $15,600.00 $0.00
Student Assistants To restore funding for Student Assistants for the circulation, computer commons, technical services and Chico Center Library.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
2 Library Operating Expenses 11-000-320-1-612004 56302 $0.00 $20,965.00
Library databases Institutionalize the ongoing database subscriptions to cover price increases over the years and add additional databases such as Mango Language (at $3,645), which helps students learn foreign languages.
  • Instructional Equipment
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • Improving support services to meet demands for online students and students attending at off-campus centers
3 Library Operating Expenses 11-000-320-1-612004 56300 $67,000.00 $0.00
Books and eBooks for Instruction Support & general collection update Books requested by faculty/department to meet curriculum needs: $35,000.00; and 900-1300 books/eBooks needed per year to keep collection current/relevant: $32,000.
  • Instructional Equipment
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • Improving support services to meet demands for online students and students attending at off-campus centers
4 Library Operating Expenses 11-000-320-1-612000 55200 $4,500.00 $0.00
Travel and Conference For library staff to attend library related conferences for professional development.
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
5 Library Equipment 11 000 320 1 612000 56411 56411 $9,900.00 $0.00
Laptops for check-out A Laptop and Wi-Fi Hostpot lending program for students to check-out: $8,200 for 10 laptops with service contract at $820 each ($620 + $200); $600 for 20 hotspots at $30 ea; $1,200 for 6 mo. connectivity charge with $10/mo. Per device; $1,000 taxes and shipping.
  • Student Equity
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • Improving support services to meet demands for online students and students attending at off-campus centers
6 Library Personnel 11 000 320 1 612003 51470 51470 $7,200.00 $0.00
Part-time Librarian staff for Summer Weeding Project Summer Weeding project to keep library print book collection updated and to discard old and outdated materials from the shelves. Provides a total of 120 p/t librarian hours.
  • Maintaining core programs and services
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